Refinance Your Mortgage


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Your Mortgage. Your Way.

Cash Out Refinance

如果你的房子有资产,需要腾出一些资金, cash-out refinancing is a great option.

  • Home improvements
  • Paying down higher interest debt
  • Down payment on second home
Cash Out

Lower My Payment

想要减少你的月供? 这实际上是再融资最常见的原因之一!

  • Free up cash flow
  • Pay down debt
  • Save for the future
Trim Down Payments

Shorten My Loan Term


  • Preparing for retirement
  • Pay off your home faster
  • Pay less in interest
Reduce My Loan Term

Today’s Current Refinance Rates:

Why choose  Arbor Financial?

Arbor相信投资回密歇根西南部社区是有好处的. That’s why we offer:

  • Low and no down payment mortgage options
  • Easy pre-approval and online applications
  • 当地的贷款专家会帮助你完成整个过程


“在我们进行再融资之前,我只做了一年的房主, 我们在办理贷款手续时有点紧张. Arbor educated us on our options, 指导我们完成行动项目,每一步都与我们沟通. 凯尔做了一个了不起的工作,回答我们不断的问题,并提供了深入的解释,我们可以理解. The entire process was smooth and timely. 我们印象非常深刻,也很高兴我们选择了Arbor Financial!"
- Joe G.
Couple with house key and moving box.
Couple on computer.

How to refinance your home loan

Already a homeowner? 再融资的感觉与你申请第一笔抵押贷款时非常相似. When you apply, 你需要符合特定的抵押贷款类型, secure an interest rate, and cover closing costs.

Use our mortgage refinance calculator 今天得到一个再融资贷款的大概估计. 如果你认为再融资适合你, 还有一些额外的步骤可以确保你从再融资抵押贷款中获得最大的收益.    


  1. Determine your financial goals
  2. 货比三家,选择合适的抵押贷款
  3. 向抵押贷款机构咨询最佳利率
  4. Secure your interest rate
  5. 商定贷款条款并最终确定贷款